Why Not, Make the Trip Worthwhile
by Chaplain Joy Le Page Smith

Why Not, Make the Trip Worthwhile points to a belief that our inner self-talk relates to our spiritual health and growth. While many people shy away from believing God is willing to speak directly to them, it is true that He does speak in many ways throughout the day, even within our thoughts.

This book invites us to look at daily happenings with eyes widened and minds enlightened by God’s abiding Beingness within us. Such Presence gently expands us, allowing an ability to trust even to the point of letting go the pain of life … including our fears of the future. This is a book filled with little “visions” of the abundant life Jesus spoke.

Why Not Make the Trip Worthwhile contains 75 mini-chapters, mostly two pages each, depicting persons, places and events occurring within a five year period of the author’s life. Travel along while reading of nature’s beauties and vital events. Richness comes as we reach deeper meaning through the Scripture passages the author uses within each entry. Applying Scriptures to the happenings of our lives makes a definite difference in how we think, which involves our self-talk. Herein lies the crux of a healthy spirituality.

Though this hearing and seeing we open ourselves to a peace, a hope and a joy not otherwise experienced. Inspiration supersedes all else as these arise – blessing and enlarging our souls. This greater connectedness with God results in an enhanced appreciation for self and others.

This book inspired Joy’s husband to write the following:

Book Cover"The days that are no more” {Tennyson}
can perpetuate our behavioral norms
today and through time immemorial.

By musing on the past
we can find the “good” in those good old days
and discover truths
that are just as pertinent today
as yesterday - and will be tomorrow.

To make the “Trip” worthwhile,
then becomes a blend of life’s experiences
(however you intend them)
while living in the light of Christ.

In so doing,
you will find a rhyme and reason
for a life that is “Worthwhile.”

Gary D. Smith